Published on 31/03/2019

Advocacy with law enforcement on HIV and human rights

The vulnerability of key populations to HIV is accentuated by socio-cultural, legal and religious barriers, sometimes in total contradiction with their right to enjoy their physical and moral integrity.

Indeed, populations vulnerable to HIV often deplore the violation of their rights based on stigmatisation and discrimination by law enforcement officials who should be guarantors of their integrity and security. At the same time, law enforcement officials report a lack of respect for the law on the part of the latter.

In light of this and the particular situation of populations vulnerable to HIV with high infection rates, Enda Santé organised a day of advocacy and dialogue with law enforcement agencies on HIV and human rights on 26 March 2019.

This meeting took place within the framework of the implementation of the Mairie de Paris project, in partnership with the City of Paris and Coalition Plus, and aimed to create a framework for exchanges and awareness-raising among law enforcement officials on HIV and human rights.

Specifically, it was about:

  • to discuss the relationship between law enforcement and people vulnerable to HIV that can be an obstacle to achieving the 90.90.90;
  • share advocacy messages developed by populations vulnerable to HIV with law enforcement;
  • propose recommendations for improved collaboration between law enforcement and populations vulnerable to HIV in order to contribute to the government's goal of HIV elimination.

In total, the workshop was attended by 25 participants including police officers, gendarmes, ASPs, representatives of key populations and representatives of civil society organisations.
