Published on 22/11/2019

PADESSE II: Restitution of the results of the study and signature of the agreement with the partner CBOs

ENDA Santé is implementing the second phase of the Programme d'appui au développement sanitaire, social et environnemental des quartiers de la Langue de Barbarie et du Gandiole (PADESSE) in Saint-Louis.

The aim of this programme is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Saint-Louis, primarily those of the Langue de Barbarie, by strengthening access to and use of quality health services at the community level, and by promoting a package of community-based interventions in health, hygiene and sanitation.  

As a prelude to the start of field activities in phase II, the project team, together with its partners, presented the results of the baseline survey on the project's indicators in the Langue de Barbarie. The survey focused on hygiene measures, reproductive health prevention measures, child health, the level of knowledge of the population about diseases such as tuberculosis, access to quality health care, and the level of involvement of the population in the implementation of project activities.  

The objective of this study is to better take into account the needs of the populations in terms of community health and to know the basic situation on the indicators of the project in the different intervention zones. The meeting was also attended by the heads of the grassroots community organisations (OCB) and neighbourhood councils, and provided an opportunity for ENDA Santé to sign agreements with the partner associations for the implementation of community health awareness activities.

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