Published on 17/05/2021

Insalubrity in Joal: Capacity building on organisational development

In partnership with the Joal town hall, the WERWERLE project held a capacity building workshop on the organisational development of the Darou Salam sanitation committee.

The members of the sanitation committee, set up in the neighbourhood, met to manage household waste and sanitation in the neighbourhood.

As a prelude to this meeting, the WERWERLE team met with the commander of the Joal hygiene brigade and the District Chief Medical Officer to discuss the activities planned with the sanitation committee and to invite them to take part.

The workshop was held with 14 participants including youth, women and the representative of the community radio station La Côtière. The main objective was to define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the sanitation committee. In addition, a reflection on the monitoring and orientation committee was conducted, as well as a planning of activities.

At the end of the meeting, three (03) strong resolutions were adopted:

  • The organisation of a monthly meeting by the health committee
  • Keeping a log of activities
  • The organisation of a bimonthly meeting for exchange and information with the Supervisory and Guidance Committee

According to the President of the Committee, Matar LÔ, "ENDA Santé has given us the means and the capacity to solve with the people of Darou Salam a problem that no one has been able or willing to solve for years.
