Published on 30/12/2018

Training of key populations on gender-based violence, human rights and HIV

Senegal is a country with a concentrated epidemic. Prevalence is low in the general population but very high in key populations.

The appropriation of interventions by the populations concerned is a determining aspect in the achievement of strategic objectives, particularly that of the 3-90 developed in the framework of the fight against HIV.
Consequently, as part of the continuum of services provided by ENDA Santé, capacity building is ensured through the organisation of training sessions aimed at strengthening the knowledge of programme beneficiaries.

In this context, ENDA Santé, as part of the implementation of the Global Fund programme with ANCS, held a training workshop for key populations on gender-based violence, human rights and HIV for significant behavioural change.

Specifically, this workshop aimed to

  • Provide a reminder about reproductive health, STIs/HIV, psychosocial care and referral to care facilities,
  • Remind them of the "gender" theme,
  • Review the relationship between gender and HIV,
  • Reminder of the human rights approach.