Published on 22/09/2022

Empowerment: ENDA Santé builds the capacity of women in the Petite Côte

The women of Kiniabour 1, Jaol (Darou Salam) have the potential and the will to contribute to the development of their locality. They are grouped in small MSEs and are active in small businesses, but they are not sufficiently equipped to make the most of it. The lack of education, the lack of financing and the non-formalization of the groups are obstacles to their development.

ENDA Santé, within the framework of its Wër Werlé project, through the management and leadership reinforcement component, accompanies the women of Kiniabour 1, Joal and deploys actions aimed at empowering them.

These women have benefited several times from capacity building sessions on agroecology. The president of the Bokk Jöm group, Astou Dione, told the project team of her appreciation for the training received.

"Now I can make my own growing tables. I know how to make organic plant-based fertilizers and so do the members of my group. We have our own garden. What is interesting with Wër Werlé is that we have acquired a lot of know-how and good agricultural and environmental management practices. 

The women of Joal do not have land like those of Kiniabour, but they have managed to grow several varieties on tables that they themselves have made.

 "We saw it on TV. We never imagined that we could develop crops and harvest so many vegetables on tables. We consume part of the harvest, another part is sold and the money goes into our account," explains the treasurer.

In Kiniabour 1, women are developing other income-generating activities. They produce soap and ointment made from medicinal plants (Mbeurboff, Mbanté maré, eucalyptus). These products are sold to the community at affordable prices.

"Our products are healthy. They treat skin diseases and are accessible to the community. This activity has spread and inspired the women of Joal who have now started to produce soap and ointments.

In addition to training, ENDA Santé helps women's groups to join forces. In Joal, 6 MSEs have been grouped into a federation and are working together. 

The NGO also supports them in financial management. Capacity building sessions are regularly organized for this purpose to enable them to have management tools such as the operating account. This allows them to keep their accounts in a transparent and efficient manner. 
