Published on 07/04/2022

AFRAVIH 2022 : HIV response actors meet in Marseille

The 11th edition of the International Francophone Conference on HIV/Hepatitis/Sexual Health/Emerging Infections began on Wednesday 6 April in Marseille, France. It brought together more than a hundred actors in the response to HIV: doctors, pharmacists, associations, civil society organisations involved in care or research.

This year's event has a renaissance feel to it, as it is being held after a long virtual hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A pandemic that has undermined the response to HIV and called into question the efforts made over the past two decades.

AFRAVIH 2022 is an opportunity to strengthen the links between the actors and to look forward to the challenges. The Conference is also a scientific production with 450 accepted abstracts of which 96 were selected for oral presentation and 354 were selected as posters. ENDA Santé is present at this conference with several abstracts.
