SANSAS (Santé Reproductive des Adolescent.e.s et jeunes du Sénégal)


Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Senegal (SANSAS) is a project implemented by a consortium composed of Solthis, ENDA Santé, Equipop, RAES, and Lartes in Mbour and Sédhiou. These localities are characterised by a high rate of gender-based violence (female genital mutilation (FGM)), pregnancy and early marriage, but also by rapid demographic development and high mobility. This favours the sexual exploitation of adolescents and young people.

Funded by the French Development Agency, SANSAS will thus contribute to improving the reproductive health of adolescents and young people. ENDA Santé is in charge of providing services and strengthening community actors. 


The project aims to improve access to reproductive health for adolescents and young people, particularly girls, young women and vulnerable youth, through access to quality and appropriate health services and SRH education, with the aim of reducing gender inequalities and related violence. 

Sector of activity

Sexual and reproductive health

Implementation period

February 2021 - January 2025.

Beneficiary population

  • Teenagers and young people/young women